What I do

Packaging Design

Correct packaging is the key opening sales pitch for a product so you need to make sure yours stands out of the crowded shelves and minefield of online eCommerce. Over my career I’ve had the chance to work on some really exciting packaging projects which have spanned the globe from Oxford Street in London to the heights of Las Vegas.

Graphic Design

My career began designing logos, flyers, menus, brochures and all other kinds of shiny printed things at a High-street chain called ProntaPrint. Now you’ll not find too many examples of my time at Prontaprint in my portfolio as time is the greatest learning experience. However it put me on the road to where I am today in designing shinier things and bolder text!

Web Design

The first website I ever built helped me to connect with my celebrity crush before the times of MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and all the social media platforms of today as 14 year old. It sparked the flame inside me to show how the web can bring you endless possibilities – and also the ability to amend a typo in seconds and not see it in print glaring at you!

Point of Sale Design

I discovered the love of point of sale design whilst working for Holland & Barrett. In my career I’ve had the opportunity to work and promote celebrity endorsed products and design packaging which one renowned company would then stick a 50% OFF sticker on launch as per their brand ethos “stack ’em high and sell ’em cheap” and when they sell out it’s great!